Monday, October 31, 2016

Library Trip Form and Newsletter

Please return your Library trip form, money, and form if you want your child to receive a library card. The trip is November 8th. The trip costs 4 dollars!

The November newsletter will be going out on Thursday or Friday. I apologize for the delay, but look for it then!

Thank you!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Monday is our Halloween Celebration day! We are going to have a busy and fun day!

We have a Halloween Dance and Halloween activities throughout the day. We will also be having a Halloween party. Please feel free to bring snacks. We have a shellfish and strawberry allergy in my classroom. Please refrain from bringing those. As always, nut or peanut products are not allowed.

Costumes: Students' costumes cannot have fake blood, weapons, or full face masks. The costumes cannot be gory or too scary. If there are smaller masks (e.g. eye mask for Batman), you will not be allowed to wear them during class time. Face painting is fine. It is up to you if you want your child to wear the costume for the whole day. They will be having normal nutrition breaks and classroom activities.
I cannot wait to see everyone's costumes!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Dear Families,
We will be going to the Library on November 8th. We are providing the opportunity for your child to obtain their own library card when they visit the library.  In order for this to happen you must fill out the form and return it to the school by November 2nd. Thank you very much in advance. I have sent a hard copy home, but here is a digital copy too. 

Jessica Crowley  

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Library forms didn't get sent out today. I will make sure they will go out tomorrow.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

A Library Trip form will be going home tomorrow. As well, Scholastic Book orders are due on Friday!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Bring your beautiful smiles! Picture day is tomorrow morning! Our class picture and individual pictures will between 9:10-9:30.

Monday, October 17, 2016


Our class picture day will be on Thursday, October 20th 9:10-9:30.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Grade 2s: Please bring back your name origins if you have not already.

Monday, October 10, 2016

I hope everyone is having a great weekend. We will be starting Social Studies this week.

Grade 2s: You will be getting a first name and last name form to fill out about your origin of your names. This note and the pages will also be going home tomorrow.

Dear Families,
We are learning about the origins of our names. Please help your child fill out the following two pages about his/her first name and last name. Here are a couple of websites to help you and We will be looking at these websites in class too! Please return the pages by Thursday, October 13th.

Thank you for your support!

Ms. Crowley 

Grade 1s: A special letter with some questions will be going home this week or early next week. Look for it. :)