Monday, January 9, 2017

Grade 1 Word Wall Words
  1. a
  2. and
  3. are
  4. as
  5. at
  6. all
  7. an
  8. be
  9. but
  10. by
  11. can
  12. do
  13. eight
  14. each
  15. for
  16. four
  17. five
  18. from
  19. he
  20. his
  21. have
  22. had
  23. how
  24. if
  25. in
  26. it
  27. is
  28. I
  29. many
  30. nine
  31. not
  32. of
  33. on
  34. one
  35. or
  36. six

37.   seven
38.   out
39.   about
40.   other
41.   said
42.   she
43.   so
44.   to
45.   the
46.   then
47.   them
48.   these
49.   that
50.   they
51.   their
52.   there
53.   two
54.   three
55.   ten
56.   this
57.   use
58.   up
59.   we
60.   was
61.   with
62.   word
63.   what
64.   were
65.   when
66.   which
67.   we
68.   will
69.   you
70.   your