Sunday, December 27, 2015

Our 10 Word Wall Spelling Test is on January 15th!

Here are the words we have done.
  1. a
  2. and
  3. are
  4. as
  5. at
  6. all
  7. an
  8. be
  9. but
  10. by
  11. can
  12. do
  13. eight
  14. each
  15. for
  16. four
  17. five
  18. from
  19. he
  20. his
  21. have
  22. had
  23. how
  24. if
  25. in
  26. it
  27. is
  28. I
  29. nine
  30. not
  31. of
  32. on
  33. one
  34. or
  35. six

36.   seven
37.   said
38.   she
39.   to
40.   the
41.   that
42.   they
43.   their
44.   there
45.   two
46.   three
47.   ten
48.   this
49.   use
50.   we
51.   was
52.   with
53.   word
54.   what
55.   were
56.   when
57.   which
58.   we
59.   you
60.   your

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